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Showing posts from February, 2012

Make First Letter Of Your Posts Large

You would have seen in magazines,newspapers and in comics that they make the first letter of their article Large.Most of the magazines and newspapers uses this popular effect by increasing the size of the first letter of the Paragraph.It provides an attractive look to your article and keep your blog fresh.To make your articles first letter Large you would have to apply a simple CSS code

10 Useful Tricks and Tips Of Facebook Timeline

  The new Facebook look is pretty great for the most part, many users are very happy with the new look overall, there are of course a few bugs here and there just with anything new being introduced. For those who are still searching the web looking for some of the awesome features timeline has to offer we would like to help by covering 10 useful tips and tricks. I have seen both users who like and dislike the Timeline, I am in favor of it for the most part and it tend to bring a fresh new look to Facebook.

Align ‘Read More’ Link/Image To Right Or Left

Read more is the common button/link in a website.Each Customized or a Default template has it’s own read more button/link.But Beginners don’t know much about CSS and HTML.If one wants his read more button/link at right side while he is having at left and one wants his read more button/link at left side and he is having at right side so he must follow this post.

Hide Post Date,Time And Author

There many reasons for hiding post date,time and author like a blogger wants to see his blog clean and clear so he hide them.I am going to show you that how to hide post date,time and author name.So don’t waste your time on thinking and just follow the simple steps given:

Submit Blogger Sitemap To Bing And Yahoo

  Every one believes that Google is the #1 site overall the world and most of the people like to search on Google  .But many other like Bing and Yahoo and like to search on them So one must submit his site to Google as well  as to Yahoo and Bing. After submitting your site to Yahoo And Bing you will see a huge Traffic rate increased in your blog/site.Yahoo merged site explorer into Bing Webmaster Tools with a partnership contract.From then onwards webmasters were requested to submit there sitemaps to Bing in order to except  traffic from Yahoo and Bing both.So don’t waste your time and Just follow the steps below:

NoFollow Blogger Comments - Increase Traffic To Your Site.

What Are NoFollow Tags?   NoFollow is a tag given to your site's/blog's links which is used to tell search robots to index a URLbut do not follow it.It is used when you are linking to a non-trusted site/blog.NoFollow links were originally created  to block Search Engines from following the links but not to follow them,beacause of theamount of blog comment spamming.Spammers are spamming in blog comments to get better SEO and anchored  links for their own sites/blogs.By these tags you just showed to search robots that the link they are indexing is only a text. Why To Nofollow Comment Links In Blogger? Robots follow all the comment  links on your blog they can spam and if they do so then your all site ranking and traffic will decrease suddenly,so you will not find any comment on your blog.If you add Nofollow comment links to your blog  your site/blog would be protected by Spam!

Host Files On Google Code For Free!

Every website builder or blogger needs a suitable hosting to upload his java scripts,images,documents and many others whether  he is a professional blogger or a  beginner.So every one knows   that google always launches amazing things for every one to fulfill there needs especially about web development.Google has again launched a free and wonderful service that allows you to host or upload your files.i have also used it and it's working perfectly for me.Google code provides 4 GB space with 200 MB file limit!.You can also make the download links to your files.You can upload every kind of file!


The Simple Home ,Older and Newer links looks ugly. You can design that links according to your need. It's very simple to change those links with buttons or to newer links.


If Your blog really provides useful information to others then visitors want to be updated with  your blog.Many visitors on blog subscribe to your blog / site to remain update with your articles and posts For keeping your visitors updated Google Feed Burner provides us a very  nice and stylish email subscription form to your blog So follow the simple steps given below  to add a Stylish Email Subscription Form for your blog:

How to Create Google Custom Search Engine For Blogger?

Every Blogger Template has it's own custom search box.These Search Boxes by default are limited  to their ability of searching  every word of your blog but Google Custom Search Engines are the best solution to use that are extremely  efficient in showing off your most important data of your blog to your visitors.This increases your blog or page views because readers search more and read more and more....... Other benefit of adding this search engine to your blog is that it can easily integrate your Google Adsense.

How to increase traffic to your site part 3 - SEO

There are a number of websites that describe techniques on how to increase traffic to a site, but few address the issue clearly and briefly. The main measures can be classified into 4 groups: relevant, be "findable", attract and practical.               Be relevant There is not much secret about it. The idea and content of your site should be the best possible.Good ideas and good content leads to satisfaction that leads to word of mouth, something very powerful. It is always include a page on your site like "Recommend site" with a simple form for the user to recommend your site to friends.                Be "findable" When it comes to search, they think of Google.Natural. And there are some tips in order to have good positioning on searches done on Google, as defined by the Google  Webmaster Guidelines  . The main issue taken into account by Google is the number of sites pointing (with li...

How to Increase Your Traffic Part II - SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the name given to a set of techniques aimed at optimizing the performance of a site in search results on search engines (search engines) like Google and Yahoo!. There are basically two types of SEO: White Hat and Black Hat Briefly, White Hat is the name given to the set of SEO techniques which are well seen and are not intended to circumvent any system of assessment sites.  Black Hat, by contrast, is the set of techniques that seek to trick the search engines to get higher score and better positioning of the results. Comments about SEO: It is an important practice and gives results. You need not necessarily be followed to the letter ever. But the very familiarity with the principles of SEO oriented web designers and web masters to produce content thinking about how this will be indexed by search engines. Some rules are not absolute. There are disagreements over issues such as the optimal size of the URL, or words in headings (H1, ...