Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOUP or law HR 3261 , is the bill introduced in U.S. Congress to close any site suspected to contain material that violates copyright or intellectual property rights of its original owner and are being used without your consent. This includes a vast universe, some even said that "is the end of Justin Biebers," showing artists who managed to grow his talent singing other songs on YouTube. The action of this law would end up with many initiatives related to creativity, as well as the distribution of content and websites
. Nor could disclose an animated gif without the permission of the authors photographers. The complexity of the situation has made many activist groups such as Mozilla or the Electronic Frontier Foundation Free Software Foundation try to clarify the overview and scope of government initiatives, which has the support of billions of dollars from companies and content producers who want to protect their assets and seeking to turn the Internet into a shopping cart and a consumption level of control similar to that of television. Other companies like Google, Facebook, Yahoo, eBay, Twitter, LinkedIn , Mozilla and Zynga, expressed concern with this bill, by sending open letters stating that all types of pressure on ISPs to monitor user activity is a clear invasion of privacy. In addition service providers can be blocked if not take actions to a "high probability" of a violation of copyright or intellectual property rights. So it would not be required a court order to block a site, just have to be suspicious. In short, years of work could be closed in just five days.
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