A website is necessary for every business or a job now a days. And to make a website, a web hosting is needed. Many people who can't afford paid web hosting search for a good free web hosting site to make their websites. These are free but they have also some disadvantages such as they are not reliable and your data can be removed any time. Or many of these hosting site are very slow and they give small bandwidth. And some site insert their own advertisements in your site. Among the free hosting websites, there are many site which are better than others with fast speed, large bandwidth and more storage space. I suggest you to use Byethost.Com.
It has fast speed, more disk space, free sub domains and large amount of monthly transfer. It is also ad free. In short, it is just like paid web hosting site. The only thing is that it is not so reliable and your data can be removed anytime. So whenever you update your website, just make a backup for such a case. The main features of Byethost.Com's free hosting are given below. You can go to this link to know complete features.
Main Features:
It has fast speed, more disk space, free sub domains and large amount of monthly transfer. It is also ad free. In short, it is just like paid web hosting site. The only thing is that it is not so reliable and your data can be removed anytime. So whenever you update your website, just make a backup for such a case. The main features of Byethost.Com's free hosting are given below. You can go to this link to know complete features.
Main Features:
- FTP account and File Manager
- MySQL databases & PHP Support
- Free tech support
- Addon domain, Parked Domains, Sub-Domains
- Free Community Access (Forums)
- Clustered Servers
- No ads!
- 5500 MB (5.5 GB) disk space
- 200 GB monthly transfer
Click this link to signup for byethost free web hostingNote: If you have any problem or confusion about this article then please discuss in comments.
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